The Street Fighter 6 cast has received two additional players, according to Capcom. The clip showcasing Kimberly and Juri was unveiled on-stage at EVO 2022 and afterward shared via Twitter.

Juri, a wicked rush of adrenaline that made his debut in Super Street Fighter IV, is a character. In Street Fighter VI, for the first time appears the vivacious ninja Kimberly. In the new trailer down below, you can see both avatars.

The trailer reveals some powerful bicycle kicks, but Kimberly’s moveset appears to be focused on quick jabs and aerial kicks. Before attacking her foes with a barrage of tornado kicks, Juri rides into battle on a motorcycle.

Street Fighter 6 was officially unveiled during the June 2022 State of Play following the release of a new trailer previously this year. A slew of characters, notably Ryu, Luke, and Chun-Li, were announced in the first clip. Jamie and Guile can be played in the game, too, as far as we know.

Street Fighter 6’s director Takayuki Nakayama informed IGN that the game will support cross-play and rollback netcode when it launches in 2023 on the PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Additionally, the game will have protagonist shouts and pregame items that will give you additional opportunities to communicate with your rivals.

There were many new combat game launches at EVO 2022. Check out the new Fatal Fury from SNK, the upcoming Tekken game from Bandai Namco, the Guilty Gear Strive Season Pass two protagonist, and the upcoming rollback netcode for Dragon Ball FighterZ, and the reasons why Arc System Works needs more action games with iconic figures for further information.

Other Street Fighter 6 information includes the announcement earlier in the unveiling of two new in-game announcers from the American fighting game scene.

James Chen, a steadfast supporter of Street Fighter and one of the people behind the Evo Street Fighter top 8 this year, will be a good addition.