This week, when visiting Los Angeles, a GTA Online user discovered a shocking discovery: their very own residential building within the game. Many of the most famous Los Santos landmarks from the honest Los Angeles have been faithfully replicated in GTA Online.

This week, ConnerDaWaffle, a Twitter user, shared a real-life GTA Online crossover after he and his roommates spotted their in-game housing complex in Los Angeles. The post provides a side-by-side look at the in-game and real-world apartments, highlighting outstanding attention to detail. In this comparative photo, the user and their GTA Online persona are dressed virtually identically, and the design of the GTA building and the trees outside are identical to their LA counterparts.

GTA Online’s open environment is already remarkable for its size, but the many replicas of famous Los Angeles locations further elevate it to a higher level of excellence. As they explore the vast city, players of GTA Online might come across replicas of the Hollywood Bowl and the Playboy Mansion, among other locations. In reality, Grand Theft Auto V, and by extension, GTA Online, features the most extensive map in the series to date.

Actual locations inspire the locales of every Grand Theft Auto game. For example, the new York Metropolis served as inspiration for Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV, and the city of San Andreas, in the game of the same name, is based in San Francisco. These towns have featured remarkable recreations and Easter eggs for gamers to discover. Still, Los Santos stands out thanks to its massive size and incredibly realistic modeling of so many Los Angeles landmarks.

Naturally, every GTA series fan has their preferred map. Some players complain that Grand Theft Auto V’s map isn’t as unique as it could be because there aren’t any explorable interiors, while others want to play in a game set in a city they’re familiar with.