Dying Light Announces Week Long Event In Celebration of Halloween

Dying Light Announces Week Long Event In Celebration of Halloween
Credit: Dying Light via YouTube

The city of Harran is ready to celebrate Halloween in Dying Light. It was announced on Twitter and Facebook that the game was featuring a week-long event just in time for the upcoming spooky holiday.

From the Youtube announcement: “All Hallow’s Eve is upon us, so go to bed in a safehouse and when you wake up, hurry out into the streets of Harran with your candy bag ready. To set an eerie mood, we’ve conjured up stormy weather that drowns out the sounds of approaching horrors with heavy rain and thunder.”

Crane isn’t the only character that can dress up for the Halloween festivities. The infected will wear a variety of costumes, from hats, masks, and pumpkin heads, but they can still bite.

The costumed enemies drop special Drunken Pumpkin potions that have a variety of effects, from “treats” like granting infinite stamina or “tricks” from reversing the player’s controls. Volatiles drop the most potent potions and are worth fighting.

Players have the opportunity to earn an exclusive Halloween-themed outfit. Of course, there are weapon upgrades to obtain, like the King weapon upgrades, but only if players complete various challenges.

For those who want to join in on the Halloween fun, Dying Light is on sale. The base game is available for 66% off on Steam while the Enhanced Edition, which comes with The Following Expansion Pack, is a fantastic deal at 70% off. The Dying Light game sale will only last as long as the Halloween event.

The announcement comes after the reveal of the collaboration between Dying Light and Left 4 Dead 2. During the event, there was an increase in Viral hordes plus exclusive weapons inspired by Left 4 Dead 2. The extra content can still be downloaded as DLC on the Steam website.

The collaboration event ended on October 28, but Techland stated that the Blueprints of the standard version of the collaboration items would still be available.

The new content shows how devoted Techland is to releasing new content for Dying Light until the release of the sequel coming next year. While Aiden’s story is still in development, there are plenty of tricks and treats waiting for the series’ first hero, Crane.

The Dying Light Halloween event takes place from October 28 to November 4.