Sucker Punch Productions revealed some pretty big news during last week’s Game Awards show, as they revealed a brand new trailer for Ghost of Tsushima, which hasn’t been seen since 2018’s E3 event. Also, they revealed that the game will come to the PlayStation 4 next summer.

If you missed the new Ghost of Tsushima trailer, you can check it out below.

Before last week’s Game Awards, many were under the impression that Ghost of Tsushima was going to be a PlayStation 5 launch title, and while the game will likely be remastered for the PS5, it’ll originally launch for the PS4 next summer.

Like with Sucker Punch’s previous game, Infamous Second Son, Ghost of Tsushima will be an open-world game, and during an interview with PlayStation’s Blog, Jason Connell, who is the game’s art director, explained how the upcoming title will be different from other open-world games.

“We really want you to have that choice of, ‘Hey, that cool bamboo forest over there, I really want to check it out. I want to head in that direction and see what it is,’” said Connell. “There’s no waypoint. There’s nothing that says, ‘Go here and look at this bamboo forest.’”

Additionally, Andrew Goldfarb, who is Sucker Punch’s communications manager, said that Ghost of Tsushima is the largest game that the Seattle-based studio has ever made by a wide margin. He also said that while the new trailer shows off a bit of gameplay, it barely scratches the surface.

Goldfarb also talked about the game’s main character, named Jin, who will begin his journey as a traditional samurai warrior. Of course, as time goes on, he’ll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like.

On top of revealing a new trailer and release date window, Sucker Punch also revealed the box art for Ghost of Tsushima, which features Jin in his armor, as a growing storm looms behind him. Also featured on the cover are some of the main character’s weapons and upgrades, which you’ll acquire throughout the game.

With what’s arguably Sony’s most anticipated exclusive — The Last of Us Part II — scheduled to be released next May, it’s realistic to expect Ghost of Tsushima to get either a late-July or August release date. As of right now, it looks like it’ll be Sony’s final big exclusive of the current generation.

Expect to see a lot more about Ghost of Tsushima in the coming months, as Sony will probably announce the release date for the game in early-2020.