Apex Legends Season 4 is the highly-anticipated 1-year anniversary of the hit Battle Royale title, and the new trailer for ‘Assimilation’ is the best yet. Landing on February 4th, this trailer is bound to get you hyped up for the new legend, Revenant.

Rendered in what is now Respawn’s iconic animated style, the new trailer highlights the transition from Revenant as an ordinary human to the Simulacrum super-assassin he has now become.

For a bounty of 10,000,000 Apex Coins (that’s quite a few Apex packs, by the way) Revenant is sent out to assassinate Marcos Andrade, a so-called Con Man and Thief for Hire.

Transforming from an ordinary-looking man, Revenant transforms into a hyper-assassin robot with knives for hands and the ability to climb up a glass wall, dissipate into a fog, and turn into some sort of hellish creature, burning with fire. What this suggests about the legend’s upcoming abilities is hard to say, but there’s no doubt they look pretty awesome.

Since the December break fans have heard over and over again that the devs have lots of exciting content on the way for 2020. If this trailer is anything to go by, they’re just getting started. The depth of the lore and background behind this troubled character is unlike anything seen before in a multiplayer FPS game, especially a Battle Royale.

The trailer is also full of plenty of teasers, such is Respawn’s way of generating excitement in the fanbase. There are glimpses of Hammond Robotics everywhere, and if you’ve played Apex Legends in the past week you know that they’re about to make big changes to World’s Edge.

There is also a glimpse at the start of the trailer of a potential new character, a female Simulacrum. You can also see what looks like dev concept art for upcoming features of the game, take a look below.

And at the end of the trailer, the daughter of Andrade (and her murdered mother) looks ferocious. Her father gifts her a wolf, and the Portuguese for Wolf is ‘Loba’ (feminine). Some leaks suggest that Loba is one of the next legends to hit the game, with voice lines and concept art already circulating the web. There’s no doubt that we’ll see a return of this character in the future, perhaps grown up and ready to head into the Apex games to get revenge on Revenant.

Apex Legends Season 4 starts on February 4th. Alongside Revenant, there is set to be some map changes, the introduction of a new sniper rifle (Sentinel) and a brand new battle pass. Fans can expect a battle pass trailer to release some time over the next few days, potentially Monday.