This year at The Game Awards, the Xbox Series X was introduced. It’s the latest console from Microsoft, and it surely has got the gaming community buzzing. If you don’t already know, it looks like a PC featuring a vertical tower design. Even though the community has been mixed ever since the reveal, it’s clear Microsoft is looking to go in a novel direction with this next-gen console.

Another reveal that came out of the night was the Xbox Series X’s first game Hellblade 2. A cinematic trailer was shown that’s painting quite an epic story and stand-out visuals. It was originally announced that this game from Ninja Theory was going to be an Xbox Series X exclusive.

It appears that won’t be the case as reports are now confirming a PC release as well. That’s according to a tweet from Aaron Greenberg, the GM of Xbox Games Marketing. If you’re a PC gamer, this is great news. The original Hellblade was received well when it first came out in 2017. It did a beautiful job at introducing PC gamers to brutal viking culture and a warrior’s struggles with madness.

The themes in the game are unlike anything we’ve really seen. You get to go on a vision quest into Viking Hell in order to save the soul of a lost lover. If the sequel is anything like the original, then PC gamers are in store for an incredible experience.

There isn’t an official release date for Hellblade 2, but we do have an incredible cinematic trailer to dissect. As mentioned earlier, it was featured at The Game Awards and definitely took many in attendance and those watching the stream by surprise.

It kicks off with some sort of ritualistic viking chant. It’s quite unnerving, in fact. You can just feel the intensity of the tribe as they try to summon spirits or something otherworldly. Even the visuals give off an unsettling vibe. It’s clear these are dark times and a grand adventure awaits.

It also looks like Ninja Theory is picking up on the themes of mental illness. They were heavily incorporated in the original, showing Senua — the game’s main protagonist — going through psychosis. It would make sense that Senua confronts even darker demons in this game, which is a pretty bold decision from the developers.

Overall, Hellblade 2 is shaping up to be quite the title for Microsoft. Let’s just hope it delivers a memorable Nordic adventure.