The developers behind the fan classic video game series Dynasty Warriors just released a new teaser trailer hinting to what might end up being a brand new release for its fans.

Koei Tecmo, the famous Japanese video game company behind Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi, dropped a (very) short 30-second clip today highlighting moments from their most recent game, Warriors Orochi 4. The teaser is essentially nothing more than a series of one-shots from the game, which suggests Koei Tecmo will be re-releasing the game in the near future with lots of added bonuses.

The trailer had no other information beyond the scenes from Orochi Warriors 4. So all of this is pure speculation at this point.

But still, other circumstances seem to lend credence to this theory. A page on the Japanese version of Amazon had a listing for a PlayStation 4 version of the game called Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. The game has since been taken down. But the Amazon page was probably created for the coming title.

On the Amazon page, the Ultimate version of the game also had a product description. The description claimed the game would have a new storyline, side quests and scenarios, game modes, and even new playable characters that were not included before. The description mentions Gaia and Joan of Arc. (Joan of Arc was included in Warriors Orochi 3, so this character is not unprecedented.)

It is also well-known that Koei Tecmo likes to re-release most of their titles. So it would not come as much of a surprise if the gaming company re-released Warriors Orochi 4 as well.

Warriors Orochi is famous for creating an all-inclusive game that combines various hack and slash titles from Koei Tecmo’s previous games. In the game, players can choose to use characters from the Dynasty Warriors series or Samurai Warrior series. The demon snake god Orochi transports the warriors to an interdimensional world to watch them fight against each other for his entertainment.

Each character is given a class that determines their skill in three main characteristics: power, speed, and technique. The player has to balance all three if they want to win in the game.

Since everything about the game at this point is speculation, there is no word on when it will be released to the general public. Players can be sure that it will be available for the PlayStation 4, but they will have to keep an eye out for the release date. Hopefully, it does turn out to be Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate.