The gaming laptops scene is lit with some high-end futuristic gaming laptops. Among the best laptops released recently is the HP Omen X 2S which is the world's first gaming laptop with a dual screen. Yes, the Asus Zenbook Pro Duo has two screens, but the function, size, and positioning tells you the additional display is not designed for gamers - may be the creatives, as it also features a stylus pen. It's also worth noting that Zenbook's secondary display replaces the touchpad while HP Omen still has a touchpad, though at an unfamiliar position. As for HP Omen's secondary screen, it has been strategically embedded at the top of the keyboard panel to act as a side screen, making it perfect for gaming. It actually looks like a Nintendo Wii U GamePad. Under the hood is a 9th Gen eight-core Core i9-9880H (2.3 – 4.8 GHz, 16 MB cache) processor with up to 32GB RAM for each of the two slots totaling to 64GB and a 1TB SSD. When it comes to graphics, there are two options to choose; either NVIDIA's Max-Q GeForce RTX 2070 or RTX 2080 both with 8GB VRAM. If you want the best GPU performance, the RTX 2080 is the best Nvidia has, so it will seamlessly play the GPU-intensive games and besides, it supports Ray-Tracing. The unit is cooled by the Omen Tempest Cooling Technology that consists of a dual 12V fan, multiple air intake & exhaust openings, and thick heat dissipation pipes. It comes pre-applied with Thermal Grizzly CPU thermal paste. The dual-display is what makes the Omen X 2s stand out. This laptop boasts a primary 15.6-inch display and a secondary 5.98-inch display making it perfect for playing games with minimaps, for example, Battle Royale and Battlefield. That's all about the design, what about performance? The Omen X 2S has three primary display options. You can have it with a Full HD IPS display with 144Hz refresh rate, 240Hz Full HD IPS display, or a 4K HDR display with a 60Hz refresh rate. All the three displays have Nvidia G-Sync so screen tearing shouldn't be a worry. As for the secondary display, there is a standard 5.98-inch Multi-Touch Full HD display. The keyboard has individually RGB-lit keys but is not spacious enough. The entire panel has been pushed down to make room for the secondary display. Regarding connectivity, it's such a great fete for HP to offer the Omen X2S with a Thunderbolt 3-capable USB-C port in addition to the standard ports you'd expect from a high-end gaming laptop. HP Omen seems to have got it right in delivering the perfect dual-screen gaming laptop. The mirroring of the Omen X 2S is the best if you want to project additional information like Chats, comments when streaming, or maps in RPG games. As far as gaming performance is concerned, it is a force to reckon. The HP Omen X 2S will be available June and prices start from $2100.
The gaming laptops scene is lit with some high-end futuristic gaming laptops. Among the best laptops released recently is the HP Omen X 2S which is the world's first gaming laptop with a dual screen. Yes, the Asus Zenbook Pro Duo has two screens, but the function, size, and positioning tells you the additional display is not designed for gamers - may be the creatives, as it also features a stylus pen. It's also worth noting that Zenbook's secondary display replaces the touchpad while HP Omen still has a touchpad, though at an unfamiliar position. As for HP Omen's secondary screen, it has been strategically embedded at the top of the keyboard panel to act as a side screen, making it perfect for gaming. It actually looks like a Nintendo Wii U GamePad. Under the hood is a 9th Gen eight-core Core i9-9880H (2.3 – 4.8 GHz, 16 MB cache) processor with up to 32GB RAM for each of the two slots totaling to 64GB and a 1TB SSD. When it comes to graphics, there are two options to choose; either NVIDIA's Max-Q GeForce RTX 2070 or RTX 2080 both with 8GB VRAM. If you want the best GPU performance, the RTX 2080 is the best Nvidia has, so it will seamlessly play the GPU-intensive games and besides, it supports Ray-Tracing. The unit is cooled by the Omen Tempest Cooling Technology that consists of a dual 12V fan, multiple air intake & exhaust openings, and thick heat dissipation pipes. It comes pre-applied with Thermal Grizzly CPU thermal paste. The dual-display is what makes the Omen X 2s stand out. This laptop boasts a primary 15.6-inch display and a secondary 5.98-inch display making it perfect for playing games with minimaps, for example, Battle Royale and Battlefield. That's all about the design, what about performance? The Omen X 2S has three primary display options. You can have it with a Full HD IPS display with 144Hz refresh rate, 240Hz Full HD IPS display, or a 4K HDR display with a 60Hz refresh rate. All the three displays have Nvidia G-Sync so screen tearing shouldn't be a worry. As for the secondary display, there is a standard 5.98-inch Multi-Touch Full HD display. The keyboard has individually RGB-lit keys but is not spacious enough. The entire panel has been pushed down to make room for the secondary display. Regarding connectivity, it's such a great fete for HP to offer the Omen X2S with a Thunderbolt 3-capable USB-C port in addition to the standard ports you'd expect from a high-end gaming laptop. HP Omen seems to have got it right in delivering the perfect dual-screen gaming laptop. The mirroring of the Omen X 2S is the best if you want to project additional information like Chats, comments when streaming, or maps in RPG games. As far as gaming performance is concerned, it is a force to reckon. The HP Omen X 2S will be available June and prices start from $2100.