How would you like to have your own exclusive world that you and your friends can explore in Fallout 76?

Bethesda is give you that opportunity in its premium content offer as it launched Fallout 1st. The paywall was supposedly in response to the community feedback for a private world for friends. You can choose as many as seven members to join you in this exclusive zone. The gameplay is similar to the Adventure Mode in Fallout 76.

In addition, you will also be given 1,650 atoms each month that you can use at the Atomic Shop. As you know, the Atomic Shop has many items from cosmetics, icons, emotes, and C.A.M.P objects. Bethesda also regularly updates the items at the Atomic Shop. Not only that, you get exclusive discounts when you purchase at the Atomic Shop with your Fallout 1st currency.

If you register for Fallout 1st, you also get your very own tent. The tent is equipped with a sleeping bag, cooking station, and stash, which are basic to ensure your survival. The Fallout paywall will also give you a scrapbox. You can store as many crafting components on the scrapbox as you want. You will also get an exclusive Ranger Armor, which is handy when you explore the wasteland.

Bethesda is allowing premium members to do what they want with their private world in West Virginia. You can do the campaigns solo or with friends. Only one needs to be a registered member of Fallout 1st. There are two ways to start the game. You just go to your Social Menu and invite your friends to join you. Or you can create a squad outside of the game and then bring them automatically to your private world.

The exploration will end once the owner of the private world leaves the game. However, the game will continue as long as one other member is a member of Fallout 1st.

You can go to the Bethesda website to register for the Fallout 1st. You can try the feature with a one-month membership. If you like what you see, you can extend the membership for the whole year and get a discount.

It is not clear how long the event will last. But the studio claimed that it plans on expanding the private world and adding new items to it. This could mean that Bethesda intends the premium content to be a regular thing.