Fortnite Season 10 Comes To A Dramatic End, Say What You Want About Fortnite But The Finale Was Epic

Fortnite Season 10 Comes To A Dramatic End, Say What You Want About Fortnite But The Finale Was Epic
Credit: Epic via YouTube

Millions of people tuned into the watch the end of Fortnite Season 10 across multiple platforms – like Twitch, YouTube and Mixer – and witnessed the dramatic closing of ‘The End’. Although it has already been confirmed there will be a Season 11 on the way shortly, this is one of the most dramatic in-game multiplayer events seen for years.

At the same time across millions of consoles and PCs across the planet, players in Fortnite were treated to the cataclysmic destruction of the map with intense music and awesome graphics.

It begins with a rocket launching into the sky and then a huge white wormhole appears as a crack on the edge of the world. These multiply with rockets, eventually forming one enormous wormhole that devours the entire map (Battlebus included).

The production value of the entire event blows anything else Epic has done with Fortnite completely out of the water. In fact, it’ll likely go down as one of the most viewed and anticipated events in any live service game to date.

With the release of Apex Legends’ new map last week and an upcoming competitive holiday season (plus reports that Fortnite’s profits are down year-on-year), it seems like Epic has taken a huge leap towards reinforcing that Fortnite is the world’s hugest game and here to stay.

This event is in the lead-up to the start of Fortnite’s Season 11, and it’s obvious now that there is going to be a brand new map. It’s a fairly sizeable change in direction for a game that has kept the same map for the past 10 seasons with changes here and there to the layout and different environments.

While not everyone was able to jump into the live event – the servers were obviously under some strain – people were able to watch the live event around the world through platforms like Twitch. It’s estimated there was well over 8 million watching the event live, making it one of the largest gaming events in history.

If you try to log-in into the game now you’re presented with a black hole and nothing else. The YouTube channel, Instagram, Twitter and other Fornite platforms have all gone silent in the build-up to Season 11.

For many fans of the game Fortnite Season 10 has been a bit of a fiasco. The mechs and general complaints about the gameplay plagued even the huge Fortnite World Cup event. Many hope that the new Season will take the game in a new direction.