Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Adds The New Fearless Pack In Partnership With Call Of Duty Endowment

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Adds The New Fearless Pack In Partnership With Call Of Duty Endowment
Credit: Call of Duty

In partnership with the Call of Duty Endowment organization, or C.O.D.E, a new DLC pack has been added to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Before we get into the cost or contents of the pack, as well as the inspiration behind it, it’s important to note that this isn’t the millionth soulless cash grab by a company releasing DLC. 100% of the proceeds of this pack will be going towards Call of Duty Endowment, an organization that helps veterans of the United States Military.

“The Call of Duty Endowment is proud to announce the Modern Warfare Fearless Pack, created in partnership with and inspired by Medal of Honor recipient CPT Florent Groberg,” C.O.D.E. announced via Twitter today. “100% of Activision’s net proceeds help get vets back to work.”

The Fearless Pack has ten items, including an operator, a blueprint for an assault rifle, a unique camo, and seven other items. This DLC costs USD $9.99, and is a limited time offer that will end once $3,000,000 has been raised for C.O.D.E.

C.O.D.E. is an organization out of. Founded in part by CEO of Activision-Blizzard Bobby Kotick, the organization has made massive strides in providing for veterans of the United States Military, making it their mission to help veterans find work after they return to American soil.

Given that one of the founders is the CEO of Activision Blizzard itself, it’s easy to see how the organization and one of the most popular FPS titles in gaming history go hand in hand. Additionally, this isn’t the first time that the non-profit has had fundraising done within the title it bears a namesake from, with March’s Defender pack serving the same purpose.

This pack is inspired by 2015 Medal of Honor recipient Captain Florent Groberg. Captain Groberg received the award after his unit was ambushed by suicide bombers in Afghanistan, where the Captain tackled one of the bombers in an effort to stop them from taking the lives of those around him.

Though Groberg was thankfully fortunate enough to survive, four others were lost in the attack – a significantly lower fatality list thanks to Captain Groberg’s actions. Since then, Groberg has been an advocate for veterans of the United States Military across the nation.

The Fearless Pack also came with a $2,000,000 donation from Activision Blizzard directly to the endowment, on top of the $3,000,000 it will inevitably raise. All in all, $5,000,000 in funding is being given to C.O.D.E. to help them in their goal of placing veterans into jobs.

Players that want to support veterans and the Call of Duty Endowment fund are able to do so directly with purchase of the Fearless Pack. Consider your purchase a donation directly to the endowment, as every penny raised goes directly to them.