In Super Catboy, players will enter a superhero action-adventure that takes players back to the classic era of 16-bit platformers. This game combines, cats, action, and intense shooting experiences as you take n a unique feline narrative that is rolling in 90s references and styles. This is not an adventure with a typical Tomcat as this wild hero rides a skateboard, blasts enemies with guns, and has a girl sidekick that is armed to the teeth. This is a game that mixes platformers, run, and guns, beat'em up and more. You must take on a wide variety of enemies who threaten world peace with their evil plots. Super Catboy is an action-platformer in a high-bit pixel art style. This game combines several titles into a single adventure filled with action, new ideas, and cats. This game has a comic book theme to it in both its writing, action and more. As players enjoy the unique story and personas within this title. From the heroes to the villains, this is a unique take on an action-adventure that will really impress most comic book fans. Based on the trailer, it seems that the enemy of this title is a pack of dogs or wolves. Whatever their evil plot it, Super Catboy seems well equipped to handle it as he swings, shoots, and escapes from every situation. This is a good classic blend from the soundtrack to the actual game footage of a 90s era game. The graphics and controls seem to slow like Contra while the levels are fairly reminiscent of Megaman. There is not much information currently available on this title. As players continue to investigate this title the developers are slowly releasing information. The game looks rather clean, yet holds to a truly classic design. Developer Assembly Entertainment is planning to release this game on Steam. There is a currently active social media for the developers that fans can explore to learn alittle bit more information. The game looks like it would be good for players of most ages. Enjoy the unique perspective, fun adventure, and cartoonish action. Super Catboy is set to release in the Fall of 2021 for Steam. Players can wishlist the title on the active Steam page or simply safe the name for later. This unique adventure seems to have no plans for ports, but it could be a fun diversion for any number of curious fans.
In Super Catboy, players will enter a superhero action-adventure that takes players back to the classic era of 16-bit platformers. This game combines, cats, action, and intense shooting experiences as you take n a unique feline narrative that is rolling in 90s references and styles. This is not an adventure with a typical Tomcat as this wild hero rides a skateboard, blasts enemies with guns, and has a girl sidekick that is armed to the teeth. This is a game that mixes platformers, run, and guns, beat'em up and more. You must take on a wide variety of enemies who threaten world peace with their evil plots. Super Catboy is an action-platformer in a high-bit pixel art style. This game combines several titles into a single adventure filled with action, new ideas, and cats. This game has a comic book theme to it in both its writing, action and more. As players enjoy the unique story and personas within this title. From the heroes to the villains, this is a unique take on an action-adventure that will really impress most comic book fans. Based on the trailer, it seems that the enemy of this title is a pack of dogs or wolves. Whatever their evil plot it, Super Catboy seems well equipped to handle it as he swings, shoots, and escapes from every situation. This is a good classic blend from the soundtrack to the actual game footage of a 90s era game. The graphics and controls seem to slow like Contra while the levels are fairly reminiscent of Megaman. There is not much information currently available on this title. As players continue to investigate this title the developers are slowly releasing information. The game looks rather clean, yet holds to a truly classic design. Developer Assembly Entertainment is planning to release this game on Steam. There is a currently active social media for the developers that fans can explore to learn alittle bit more information. The game looks like it would be good for players of most ages. Enjoy the unique perspective, fun adventure, and cartoonish action. Super Catboy is set to release in the Fall of 2021 for Steam. Players can wishlist the title on the active Steam page or simply safe the name for later. This unique adventure seems to have no plans for ports, but it could be a fun diversion for any number of curious fans.