Stracos Labs has more good news for those awaiting its upcoming game Line Simulator. Not only will players have the opportunity to experience waiting in long lines again, but they’ll also get to experience loot box microtransactions.

The “Free Microtransactions” experience will, fortunately, be at no cost. Players can pick up a “Ducky Lucky!” lottery ticket and use their finger to scratch off each portion. Similar to how the microtransactions are free, there is no real prize won for obtaining a winning ticket.

Line Simulator is scheduled to launch on PC within a month. The development team is working on more fun DLC content that breaks the fourth wall. This includes snarky narrators, poking fun at the game industry, and also making lighthearted commentary about the current COVID-19 situation.

Stracos Labs also announced an upcoming roadmap of upcoming content after the game launches. Players can expect even more free DLC in the future. The developer is also planning giveaways for the game on Discord and social media for one of the limited edition physical editions of the game. It’s unknown if Stracos Labs plans on selling the physical editions to the general public.

Line Simulator is a VR experience revolving around standing in line. The locations include standing in line at a grocery store. An amusement park location is also planned for the future.

Since COVID-19 is still causing people to stay at home whenever possible, Stracos Labs wanted to give people a safe option for experiencing long lines instead of physically standing in a store. By playing Line Simulator at home, players won’t have to worry about social distancing or wearing any protective gear.

The offers some gameplay, although little. Players can try to skip ahead in line. While inside of a store, players can take a cart and begin shopping for items. If a player is feeling particularly silly that day, they can throw drinks or giant vegetables onto the floor. This may not make the employees happy, but it will provide some entertainment for those stuck in line.

Those who want to follow the development of the game can follow Stracos Labs on Twitter or join their official Discord server.

Line Simulator is scheduled to launch on PC via Steam for the Oculus Rift on November 20.