Players Have Another Chance To Claim Watch Dogs 2 For Free For An Extended Time Period

Players Have Another Chance To Claim Watch Dogs 2 For Free For An Extended Time Period
Credit: IGN via Youtube

Players who were worried they would miss the initial window to claim a free copy of Watch Dogscan rest easy knowing that Ubisoft has extended the timeframe. The free copy was promised to be available between the half-hour after the show and extended demos have ended.

Shortly after the show ended, Ubisoft confirmed that the game would be available outside of that window. Anyone who missed the opportunity can still claim a copy. The system is live and interested fans just need to register on the official Ubisoft website.

Watch Dogs 2 follows the story of Marcus Holloway. He is a brilliant hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, San Francisco. After he teams up with Dedsec, a group of hackers that work towards liberating the truth, he becomes a vital part of their team. Execute the biggest hack in history, take down ctOS 2.0, and free the world from a horrible system.

Similar to the original Watch Dogs players enter a wide and large open-world experience. The world gives players tons of varying possibilities. Hack into every device from personal phones to the entire city’s infrastructure.

Using the unique skill system players can develop the hero to use skills that suit their personal playstyle. Upgrade your hacker tools and explore a whole world of digital resistance.

One new feature is the ability to connect with friends in a co-op experience. Or take them head-on in adversarial multiplayer battles to prove who is the best hacker out of your group.

To gain a copy of this game for free is a great opportunity. Fans can enjoy the massive world and explore the intricate storyline of interwoven digital threads. See every street and explore every angle in a unique and evolving fashion.

Any fan that claims the free copy can get some additional DLC goodies for other Ubisoft titles. Players can log into the main Ubisoft site, enter their Uplay details, and claim everything available.

As of right now, Watch Dogs 2 is available for 80% off on the Epic Games Store. This discount will continue to persist until July 23 at 10:00 AM.

Watch Dogs 2 is available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation systems. Any interested fans can experience the intense narrative without any knowledge of the prior title. This is a standalone experience that brings all that fans love from the first game into a bright and shining new city full of digital potential.