The Witcher 3 Is Being Upgraded For Next-Gen Consoles, According To CD Projekt Red

The Witcher 3 Is Being Upgraded For Next-Gen Consoles, According To CD Projekt Red
Credit: CD Projekt Red via youTube

As far as RPGs go, one of the best in recent memory is CD Projekt Red‘s The Witcher 3. It just gets everything right with this genre. The Continent is an amazing open world that never gets dull exploring. Geralt of Rivia is as good as he’s ever been, from his voice acting to his combat mechanics.

There is also just so many things to do in this game, whether it’s moving through the main story or going on side missions and completing monster-hunting quests for coin. The game always has more to see and more to do.

The Witcher 3 has been so successful — in fact — that it’s set to come to the PS5 and Xbox Series X when these next-gen consoles release around holiday season. CD Projekt Red broke this news just recently in a press release.

The upgraded version will boast better visuals and technical improvements. Considering how great these aspects already are for the original edition, it will be amazing to see this beloved game playing on next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft.

Both consoles have a lot of amazing specs. If there was ever a game to upgrade for these systems, it’s The Witcher 3. Those that plan on getting one of these new consoles and haven’t yet experienced all of the great things this game offers are in store for a real treat.

Even if you’ve already played through most of the game, experiencing a next-gen version seems like worth the price of admission.

CD Projekt Red revealed some other great news. If you already own the current version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you won’t have to pay anything for the upgraded version should you decide to get an Xbox Series X or PS5.

That’s great to see and isn’t surprising. This developer has always done a great job at putting fans first and making incredible games that get the community buzzing with excitement.

It’s also worth mentioning that the next-gen version will include the base game and all of the expansions. Ray tracing and better loading times will be provided as well.

There currently is no release date for this upgraded version, but it might be a little bit of time. CD Projekt Red is currently hard at work putting the finishing touches on Cyberpunk 2077, which is shaping up to be an amazing RPG as well.

Expect to here more updates the closer we get to these next-gen consoles releasing.