Reaction To Sonic’s Latest Demo Has Been Overwhelmingly Positive

Reaction To Sonic’s Latest Demo Has Been Overwhelmingly Positive
Credit: ign

This week at the EGX in London, the game Sonic Frontiers was playable for attendees to try out. In addition to Gamescom, this was one of the most extensive public demonstrations of the game before its release in November. After a less-than-stellar media campaign throughout the summer, during which many people called for the game’s release to be postponed, it was also essential for Sonic Team to turn public opinion around. And at this point, all the investment was worthwhile.

At this past weekend’s Electronic Gaming Expo (EGX), Sonic Frontiers was a big hit with attendees, many of whom commented on how the gameplay demo blew their expectations out of the water. Twitter is packed with players, both seasoned Sonic veterans and blue blur rookies, who are feeling optimistic about Frontiers and are willing to give the franchise another shot. Whether this will translate into sales remains open, but for the time being, Sega can count EGX as a successful event.

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The general opinion is that, although having a very unremarkable appearance, Sonic Frontiers actually offers a great deal of freedom of movement and is an excellent source of entertainment.

The battle system has also been praised, specifically the addition of Sonic’s new Cyloop ability, which breaks up the monotony of Sonic’s regular pattern of repeatedly using his homing strike.

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However, if there were to be a single point of dispute, it would have to be the cyberspace levels. These two-dimensional levels are packed with references to Sonic’s previous exploits. On the other hand, Fans find them less sentimental and more monotonous, particularly given that we receive a version of Green Hill Zone in virtually every of Sonic’s games.

Despite this, others believe that they may overcome this obstacle thanks to the improved sense of momentum that has been lacking in the games of late. Sprinting up a hill will cause your speed to decrease. This is a significant development for the series and was likely one of the most frequently requested features by fans.