Destiny 2: Weekly Reset For Week Of August 25th Includes A Garden World Nightfall and Titan Flashpoint

Credit: Bungie via Youtube

Each week in Destiny 2, players look forward to the reset every Tuesday. On this day loot drops, activities, and weekly challenges all reset in order to refresh players and provide relatively entertaining content every time you log on.

This week, players can look forward to the Garden World Nightfall activity. Grinding this activity has the chance to drop the exclusive legendary ship Universal Wavefunction. In addition, players can earn pinnacle gear rewards if they complete a run with a score of over 100k points.

If a Garden World isn’t your favorite, there are also three Legacy Nightfalls to complete for additional rewards. This time around, players can choose from Strange Terrain, Will of the Thousands, and Broodhold.

The exclusive rewards available are the Braytech Osprey rocket launcher and Worm God Incantation transmat effect respectively, as Broodhold does not have an associated exclusive reward.

Another reason to hop on Destiny 2 this week is the flashpoint location. As most are aware, the Destiny 2 team has announced content vaulting to begin later in this year. The flashpoint location for this week is Titan, which is one location that has been confirmed to be disappearing from our game for a while.

The Moon is also bustling with activity this week and has three Nightmare hunts for players to partake in. This time they are Isolation, Pride, and Servitude. There is also the wandering nightmare Fallen Council and the Trove Guardian which are both located in Archer’s Line.

Luckily for its inhabitants, the Dreaming City is only a weak curse cycle for the time being. Petra is located in the Strand and is offering the Broken Courier weekly mission. Players can also attempt the Blind Well to fight scorn, and the plagues Sikariis & Varkuuriis.

Over on Mars, the Escalation Protocol boss for this week is Nur Abath, Crest of Xol. He has the chance to drop the IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1 shotgun. If you haven’t gotten your hands on this awesome weapon, now is a good chance to grind it out.

For the PvP fans out there, there are two new rotating playlists in the Crucible this week. Shaxx is currently offering Mayhem and Breakthrough. Mayhem is always a popular game mode, so be sure to drop by for some guardian killing action.

That about wraps up the reset for this week. Make sure to tune back in on Friday for Xur’s inventory, and all the latest Destiny 2 information.