TinyBuild Releases Free Demo For Hellpoint Ahead Of Upcoming Release

TinyBuild Releases Free Demo For Hellpoint Ahead Of Upcoming Release
Credit: Hellpoint via Steam

TinyBuild has announced the release of a demo for its upcoming game Hellpoint. The game was developed by Cradle Games and is a challenging title for fans of the punishing gameplay of the Souls series.

Hellpoint: The Thespian Feast is now available as a standalone game that serves as a demo for the full game.

The free demo is a standalone sequel story set in the Hellpoint universe. The story stars an investigator sent to the Irid Novo station 50 years after the events of the main game.

It’s unknown how much the demo will giveaway to the main story. The sequel demo may contain some spoilers, so fans long awaiting the game may choose to wait to play it after Hellpoint has been released.

While Hellpoint is still weeks from release, the demo is getting some patches. The newest update includes a “new opening section” tat continues a new point of entry, tweaked difficulty curve, and improved tutorial. The chip station has also been updated so that all weapons can be upgraded.

Several patches were made thanks to fan feedback. The next hotfix included fixing a bug in heavy weapons that reduced damage by 50%, Ozy’s attacks in battle, raising the number of available haling charges from 3 to 5, and more.

The full patch notes are available on Steam. Players who want to keep up to date with the development of the game can join Cradle Game’s official Discord server. They can also report any additional bugs they have experienced in the demo.

Cradle Games will likely use any fan feedback to make changes in the final build of the game before its release or after its initial launch. Fans waiting to play Hellpoint can now check out the game before it’s released next month.

Hellpoint is an action RPG set in space. The Steam description states: “Hellpoint is an intense action RPG taking place on Irid Novo, a derelict space station soaked in an intoxicating dark sci-fi atmosphere. Fight dreadful creatures, face the Cosmic Gods and unravel their twisted story. Should the challenge be too great, play with a friend in local or online coop.”

Hellpoint will be released on April 16 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo switch.

Hellpoint: The Thespian Feast is available now for free on Steam.