Fallout 76 is an action RPG that has gradually gotten better with time. When it first launched, it didn’t seem like Bethesda could get it back on the rails it needed to be on. The game lacked NPCs and had a ton of glitches.


We’re now in October of 2020 and it’s a totally different experience. Fallout 76 is actually a game filled with content. If you’ve been reluctant to play it since Bethesda made the much-needed improvements, you’re in luck once again.

Bethesda is opening the game up for free all the way until October 26th. The free-play window is in celebration of the fantasy nuclear destruction that occurred on October 23, 2077. The accessible version will include the Wastelanders and Nuclear Winter updates.

That’s a good chance to see how Fallout 76 plays at this current moment in time. The developer went to the community and implemented changes that were highly requested. The NPC additions were a huge part of making this game play like a completely different title.

You actually want to go around engaging in conversations with various NPCs, seeing what their backstories are and figuring out how they can help you further in the story. The missions are also much better than before the Wastelanders update was put out. There’s a reason you’re doing the things you’re doing, as well as epic loot and rewards to enjoy.

As far as the Nuclear Winter update, it added a new battle royale mode. There are a lot of these games to play today, but it’s nice that you can experience Fallout’s version for free thanks to this free-play window.

Lastly, the nuclear event also lets those check out Fallout 1st, which is the premium membership program. It basically lets you use private servers and gain access to more premium items like a survival tent.

If all of this sounds worthy of your time, then you can hop on any platform and download you’re free copy. You have a lot of things to enjoy right out of the gate, including a world teeming in interesting NPCs, fun missions, and epic loot that you can use to give you an advantage in the Wastelands.


It was unfortunate to see Fallout 76 have such a rocky start because it’s a series beloved by fans, but Bethesda has turned things around for the better. The fact that they’re always making the game free for a couple of days is their way of showing how much better things are.