The Graduation Celebration Minecraft Marketplace Item Allows Students To Walk Across The Stage In Minecraft

Credit: Mojang Studios

Mojang Studios has created the Graduation Celebration Minecraft Marketplace item; this a perfect addition to any college graduation that isn’t able to meet in person currently due to the pandemic and quarantine that many schools are still trying to operate during. Many universities have been using Minecraft to offer not only graduation ceremonies as well as the commencement ceremonies, and a few examples are the UC Santa Barbara and how RIT used Minecraft for its commencement ceremonies.

While both of these locations had students recreating the gyms where the graduations would have been previously held, Mojang Studios has created a Minecraft Marketplace item that allows students to get a very similar experience to walking across the stage in real life.

While this stage is significantly different when compared to other recreations, this is due to everything being Minecraft-themed. The background features more than just the characters but also the hills which are littered throughout the Minecraft world.

In addition to the massive hills, this background features a flowing river and the waterfall. This waterfall splits into two smaller waterfalls that combine again into a river that.

The stage features both Steve and Alex as well as a creeper that thankfully won’t explode the stage ruining the graduation ceremony.

Alex and Steve are both looking over the ceremony, ensuring that your graduation is uneventful, but is perfect for any college student.

Players will walk down the dirt the path walking past either the creeper or Alex and Steve to reach the professor and the podium, which is where students can make their acceptance speeches.

Surrounding the podium and stage are a variety of animals all frozen in place, these animals are actually to be used for the other Minecraft players to sit on and wait for their turn on the podium. This is also a perfect way for students to watch the ceremony.

These animals range from Llama, Horses, Donkeys, Pigs, and even tiny rabbits in the front. This has all the animals looking directly at the stage, which means that if no other players are available to join, then Players will still have a captivated audience!

This map also comes with a villager skin that makes them look like a professor ready to hand the player their diploma, complete with the cap and gown along with the glasses.