Rave Family Block Fest Has Officially Been Postponed, Due To Technical Issues

Credit: Rave Family Block Fest

Rave Family Block Fest has had a few issues, these issues led to the name change and a date change as well. That was even before the festival had even opened to the public. With the date change, the Rave Family Block Fest had officially started yesterday on July 9th.

Originally the Rave Family Block Fest was called Electric Blockaloo and was set to start on June 25th and end on June 28th. While the name change was due to a small hateful group of people found primarily on Facebook, The name of Electric Blockaloo was originally designed to take inspiration from the Funk and Break dancing moves.

The first delay was due to the large Nether Update that Mojang released on June 23rd, this update came right when the team by the Electric Blockaloo was planning and setting up the server.

This festival did start and had a large number of people joining the server. This led to more than a few technical issues that quickly rose and has led some to be unable to access the server just in general.

The Rave Family released the official statement which stated “For those who choose to receive a refund, we’ll issue them within 48 hours. For the renegades who want to continue to camp, fest and dance with us, we will continue to support the servers and the amazing new world we’re building for our community.”

While this situation is undesirable for any Minecraft festival, but the fact that they are offering refunds to the players that request is great! This shows that they are committed to ensuring buyers get their money’s worth.

One of the final statement made in this official statement is “I still believe that creating a community that fosters tolerance, acceptance and connection through music is the most important thing I can do with my life.”

Right now, the servers are still online and players can still join the servers to explore the surrounding area. The server is similar to being a fun and accessible place for you and your friends to go camping.

As of right now, there is no set return date for when this festival will return but seeing as the delay is due to technical difficulties, I can’t wait for the return of the party!