PewDiePie May Already Be Returning To Minecraft, After Just A Small Break From The Game

Credit: PewDiePie

PewDiePie helped revive Minecraft gaming videos on Youtube, after beating the Ender Dragon and the Wither to create the IKEA tower. His Minecraft game series featured a total of forty-nine parts, Felix stated how he had run out of tasks to do in Minecraft and was beginning to feel like each episode was starting to get ‘stale’.

In his series, Felix did everything Minecraft had to offer from killing the Enderdragon to creating villager factory. All of these parts showcased Felix’s ingenuity alongside his creativity in completing these seemingly mundane tasks.

After Felix stated how Bye Bye Minecraft – Part 49 would be his last instalment in his Minecraft series, fans were notably upset, and the unrest got to the point that Felix had to address the issue in a LWIAY video as shown in a previous post, linked here.

While that may have been the case at the time of recording some significant developments, have been happening in the world of Minecraft. Minecraft 1.16, featuring some significant changes, is right around the corner, this may be enough to bring Felix back to the world of Minecraft.

Well, precisely the Nether, as right after the Bees update the fire and brimstone dimension, known as the Nether received a significant ( and in my opinion needed) upgrade from its previous version.

Felix has pointed out on the June 14th episode of Last Week I Asked You that Sven’s, his dog that has been with him throughout his Minecraft adventure, birthday is coming up.

He stated that from the June 14th episode, Sven’s birthday is only “24 days until Sven’s Birthday! Epic!”, that would make Sven’s birthday on July 3rd.

Felix then stated “I guess now we know when I will return to Minecraft boys. It’s happening,” meaning he’ll be returning to Minecraft to celebrate Sven’s Birthday.

If going by anything else Felix has done in Minecraft, the party for Sven is going to be a substantial and lavish event that viewers won’t want to miss! Everything from IKEA tower to his villager factory all offers an opulent and extravagant exterior with some fantastic interiors. Fans should be excited about how the Pewds plans to change up his world to celebrate his best friend.

After the party for Sven, Fans could be in for a bit of a wait till the series makes a full return to the PewDiePie Channel.