Coming out of BlizzCon 2019, there were a ton of great announcements. You have a Diablo 4 in the works and conformation of Overwatch 2. One of the more positively received announcements — though — was the continuation of Hearthstone Battlegrounds. People love autobattler games and this one looks like a true gem in every major department.

Unfortunately, unless you were at the event in person or were one of the few people that pre-ordered one of their premium packs, you couldn’t play this game. That time has come to an end fortunately as the open beta for Hearthstone Battlegrounds is now officially available to everyone. Thus, if you’ve waited to get your hands on this strategy autobattler, now’s the perfect time to jump in on the action.

Not only does this open beta let you experience all of the greatness that this game has to offer, but you’ll have the chance to pick up three free packs. To do so, though, you’ll need to complete two Battlegrounds games. That seems like a pretty easy feat to achieve. When you do, you’ll also get to see what the most recent update has in store. It’s intended to fix a lot of bugs that have been present since launch. So if this is your first time with Hearthstone Battlegrounds, it should be quite a pleasurable experience.

The great thing about this game is there isn’t any price barrier to entry. It’s a completely free game to experience, where you’ll get the chance to choose one of many iconic heroes and duke it out with seven other players. A huge aspect of this title is putting the perfect team of minions together. After every match, you’ll get to change their stats and switch their positions based on your tactical strategy.

Once everything is in place, you can see amazing battles play out in front of your very eyes. Blizzard did a phenomenal job at including a lot of variety as far as the battle sequences, which makes the game dynamic on many fronts. Seeing the action firsthand just immerses you in the lore and unique aspects of your selected hero and minions.

If you want to brush up on the game’s rules before hitting the open beta hard, you absolutely can by visiting the game’s official page. There, you’ll find a set of instructions that break down the basics of this unique and beautiful-looking autobattler. You’re in store for some addicting fun.