The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is an upcoming story-adventure game starring the ring-seeking former Hobbit. This is the first time Gollum has been the focal point in a video game featuring this franchise and that direction alone has many fanatics excited about what mysteries and fun adventures await.

Not too much is known about this game being developed by Daedalic Entertainment other than the fact that it will involve stealth-based mechanics and platforming. That’s not surprising considering Gollum isn’t overly strong and instead relies on his sneaky nature to get out of stressful predicaments, as is pretty evident in The Lord of the Rings movies.

The game was tentatively scheduled to release this year in 2021, but now, it officially won’t be available until 2022. That’s according to the developer after they’ve partnered up with publisher Nacon. It looks like the developer wants more time to get this title ready for next-gen consoles.

Alas, interested onlookers will have to temper their expectations of playing this year with the hope of a better experience. Whether the game can get a boost in next-gen features remains to be seen, but at the very least, the added wait time should give fans more time to ponder what’s in store.

The stealth-based gameplay could be very captivating as Gollum navigates his way throughout some iconic locations found in the novels and movies. In order to get past threats, you’ll have to use a bit of timing, speed, and strategy.

Platforming also could be a fun aspect in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, especially when moving around the mountainous ranges found throughout Mordor. The mix of stealth, platforming, and narrative sequences should allow players to go on an incredible journey, featuring never-before-seen perspectives from Gollum himself.

Gollum is definitely one of the most polarizing figures in this franchise thanks to his two egos. It will be interesting to see what the developer decides to do to further his character arc, giving even long-time fans some surprises throughout his incredible journey. 

Visually, it looks like they’re following the Peter Jackson route, but perhaps they can build upon his character and give him even more layers — probably of the sympathetic variety. We’ll see.

It would be nice to get some more official trailers taking a deeper dive into the game’s story and gameplay leading up to the 2022 release. That’s a long time to wait so it wouldn’t be surprising.