The Highly Enjoyed Zombies Mode For Call Of Duty Mobile May Only Be A Limited Time Mode

The Highly Enjoyed Zombies Mode For Call Of Duty Mobile May Only Be A Limited Time Mode
Credit: MrDalekJD via YouTube

It was finally launched last week, Zombies Mode! Call of Duty Mobile players have been clamoring for the undead mode since the game’s launch. Activision didn’t disappoint, they heard the communities outpour of support for Zombies, and they developed it.

So, life is good, right? Players have the mode from now until the end of Call of Duty Mobile. Well, that may not be the case.

Activision posts a Community Update on the Call of Duty subreddit every week or so. On November 27th, they posted an update talking about a few different things, but mostly Zombies.

And one thing that the developers mentioned struck a chord with gamers.

Call of Duty: Mobile – November 27th Community Update
byu/COD_Mobile_Official inCallOfDutyMobile

Here is the subreddit post by COD_Mobile_Official, which is an Activision account on Reddit:

The developers mentioned a few things about Zombies mode, including their appreciation for gamer feedback on bugs and gameplay, and the survival mode time limit. They also mentioned something that hadn’t been previously said in these Community Updates.

“We haven’t currently announced the length of ZOMBIES mode, but we have mentioned for all limited-time modes, if you want us to consider extending the length of the mode then show your love for it by playing it extensively while it is live.”

It looks like Zombies is a limited-time mode, and if one scrolls through the comments on the Community Update, gamers are not happy.

There is also a lot of ambiguity behind the limited time mode status of Zombies. Players are not sure if it’s the entire Zombies mode or the modes a part of it, Raid and Survival.

One comment reads, “I guess they’re talking about limited ‘modes’ in the zombies section. For example, currently, we have Raid, Hardcore Raid, and Survival. And they will replace those ‘modes’ with some new ones.”

Another Reddit user said, “they literally confirmed the entire ‘Zombies Mode’ itself is limited in a comment below on here. Not the “modes” itself inside of zombies.”

Whether it’s the entire Zombies mode or just one of the features within it, there is something gamers can do to try and keep it around for the long haul.
One thing Activision has been quite clear about is what gamers can do to keep a limited-time mode around. In a Community Update a few weeks back, there was a section specifically about limited-time modes.

Developers told players that if they genuinely enjoy a game mode, they need to play it a ton, and get their friends to play it a lot as well. Activision needs a quantitative reason for making a limited-time mode a mainstay.

Something that drives the demand for Zombies, even more, is the fact that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare doesn’t have the mode. So, if players want to keep a Zombies option open, they should start gaming!