With The Announcement Of The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, Many Players Wonder How Terrako And Age Of Calamity Will Fit Into The Series’ Overall Timeline


In anticipation of the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, fans have been wondering how the developers will incorporate the spin-off game Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and its time-traveling breakthrough star Terrako into the main storyline.

Age of Calamity revised Breath of the Wild’s canon, startling many fans and serving as a bridge between the two games while players awaited The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Many are curious about the effects of Age of Calamity on Tears of the Kingdom, especially in light of Zelda’s notoriously murky chronology.

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Age of Calamity probably exploited time travel from the get-go, with Terrako as its lynchpin, to prevent any alterations to the timeline of Breath of the Wild. As a result, many gamers now regard the events of Terrako and Age of Calamity as canon and integral to the larger Zelda storyline.

This puts Tears of the Kingdom in an awkward position of deciding whether to consider the Age of Calamity canon. The case for Terrako’s return is vital, especially given the rumors surrounding the Breath of the Wild sequel, which include time travel and new Sheikah technology.

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In the wake of Ocarina of Time, Zelda has always had a tangled relationship with time, with its several timelines and the usage of time travel in many of its titles. So it’s a manageable stretch to think Tears of the Kingdom may take a similar route. In addition, the game’s Italian voice actor accidentally let slip that he will return for the sequel as Daruk’s ancestor, and Nintendo has shown off new concepts, including rewinding time.

Still, Nintendo has acknowledged the Age of Calamity’s popularity by including Terrako and other characters like Impa and Master Kohga as Spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

An excellent middle ground could be to have Terrako help Link update his equipment or learn new powers as part of a side quest, given that he has been shown to increase the efficacy of old technology.