Update Notes For The Beta Version Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Bring Forward The Latest Settings And Improvements

Credit: gamer

The beta version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II received a fairly substantial patch that not only added new content but also fixed some of the game’s most vexing problems. Now that autumn has arrived in its full glory; the time has come to start playing Call of Duty again.

As the players start the second and last beta weekend for the highly anticipated game, they are getting a better flavor of what they may expect to find in the final game. Even while it is only a beta and so a lot might change in the time leading up to the game’s launch in October, it gives players a pretty good idea of what to anticipate from the final version of the game when it is finally released.

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Infinity Ward has published a blog post that discusses the adjustments that were made to the game between the first beta weekend and the second one, which is currently underway. Given that the beta was only available for PlayStation users over the past weekend, it is unlikely that this will have a significant impact on players on Xbox and PC.

The most notable of the modifications are an increase in player visibility, the addition of Ground War, and several buffs and nerfs to some of the weapons that were utilized the most in the beta. Unfortunately, the most recent patch for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II does not fix some of the most contentious problems that have been reported with the game.

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More content was uploaded during the first weekend of the beta, but it is currently unknown whether or not Infinity Ward will release any new weapons, maps, or modes over the course of the weekend. Nevertheless, more content was added during the previous weekend.