Splatoon 3 Was Only Recently Released, Data Miners Claim To have Discovered Potential Expansions To The Salmon Run Game Mode

Credit: IGN

Even though Nintendo‘s Splatoon 3 has just been out for a week and a half, data-miners have already uncovered what appear to be additional Salmon Run Next Wave modes. Splatoon 3 has taken several ideas from its predecessor, Splatoon 2, and one of those ideas is the Salmon Run mode, which has rapidly become as popular as it was in the previous game. For the veteran, higher-ranked players who have mastered Salmon Run, the introduction of a new game mode is an intriguing prospect.

To spawn like salmon The core gameplay for Next Wave remains the same in Splatoon 3 as it did in the second game, but with some improvements and tweaks. Most significantly, unlike the original Salmon Run, which was a one-time event, Next Wave can be played whenever you like. Moreover, Next Wave adds two new Known Occurrences and four new Special Weapons to Splatoon 3, giving players a whole new set of game mechanics and weapons to master. The multiplayer modes in Splatoon are a big part of the game’s appeal, and the newest version, Splatoon 3, contains a tonne of content right out of the gate.

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Nintendo Life reports that data miners have uncovered what may be new game types in Salmon Run Next Wave. OatmealDome, a widely used data miner, has uncovered what may be three additional Salmon Run modes: Pair, Underground, and Contest.

According to OatmealDome, the first two will have different salary ranges and job titles, while Underground will have larger quotas per wave. Nintendo has not acknowledged or refuted these revelations, but OatmealDome suggests they may be part of a special update in the works.
Since the previous two Splatoon games were so well received, there was an enormous amount of anticipation for the third.

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The bright, family-friendly shooter has so far lived up to the promise, impressing with fluid and thrilling multiplayer action and a pleasant primary plot.