Minecraft Java Realms: New Maps And New User Created Game Modes Released A Mid-Summer Celebration

Credit: Mojang Studios

Mojang Studios has released a total of Nineteen new maps for the Realms Midsummer; these maps range from simple game modes to entire PVP maps, which offers a different playing experience when compared to the standard Minecraft experience.

With the large number of players that Minecraft has gotten and achieved, content creators are bound to create some fantastic maps and game modes. 

These maps are incredibly inventive PVBee created by MelonBP, hilligans, Rman, which sees the player facing off against a swarm of bees. These bees range from the bumblebee to the Queen bee, all featuring a different outline, and all have different effects after stinging you.

This game mode is perfect for a large number of players to tackle the 20 waves of bees that progressively get harder forcing the players to work together to finish all the rounds alive.

Players collect honeycombs to receive upgrades, and these upgrades allow the players more defense as well as better attack. These upgrades will be crucial to the player as they go through the various waves.

On exciting addition to realms is the 3D Graphing Calculator created by gibbsly & Vertex Creations, These two Minecraft creators have not only a map that allows users to create a fantastically complex system that can be used for students that find the standard graphing calculator just a bit too dull. This graphing calculator also features a texture pack which shows the functions and numbers that each wool represents.

The graphing calculator uses utilize command blocks, diamond blocks, and Redstone blocks, with the diamond block showcasing the graph of the inputted formula.

Another addition to Realms is the Complicated Parkour created by mickae, GIxyLuke, and Yeatzy. This map has the player in an artificial ocean that has the player parkouring on top of and around the various fish and plant life.

Due to the name, only experience parkour players should attempt this map, but the player will enjoy the builds that are showcased and explored during their time playing this map. The map features a giant whale in the center and has air coming from the blowhole.

This mid-summer celebration has given Minecraft Realms a total of nineteen maps, and all of them look like a fantastic time to play through either alone or with friends.

These maps also showcase the tremendous skill of the builders and for the more advanced maps, like the graphing calculator, the incredible Redstone knowledge.