All The Information On Upcoming Diablo II Remake, Diablo II: Resurrected

Credit: TantrisOST via YouTube

It’s been a busy few years for the Diablo franchise, to be certain. While we don’t have our hands on any new games yet, we have three in the works that the player base is looking forward to.

Some more than others, to be certain – the community still isn’t generally sold on the mobile Immortalthat’s heading out before the rest likely hit shelves, and the announcement of the game continues to plague it with a bit of negativity.

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But Diablo IV remains at the front of the hype train, for sure! The recent BlizzConline event announced the return of the Rogue class for the fourth installment of the series, bringing in the all-female clan of assassins, rangers, and rogues that players interacted with through the franchise.

Most recently is the announcement of the remake of Diablo II, the new Diablo II: Resurrected. This title is an overhaul and update of the wildly popular second installment of the series, bringing a huge amount of improvements to the title as it returns.

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We don’t know a great amount about the title yet, such as a release date yet to be announced. Blizzard seems confident that it’ll be released at some point in 2021, but there’s nothing more specific therein, and players can only hope that there aren’t delays placed in the way.

As far as the improvements, one of the most notable is the improvement of the visual graphics all the way up to 4k possibilities. The 21-year-old title is being brought into modern gaming with a decent bit of polish and shine while still providing that same classic look.

Speaking of classics, Blizzard is insistent that there will be virtually no gameplay changes. One of the few mentioned is that there will be a toggled option to have gold an automatic pick-up, but otherwise, the game seems preserved exactly as it was originally released.

Blizzard has also promised support for “cross-progression,” allowing players to transfer their saved data to different consoles or PCs when they may need to do so. While this is a wonderful feature, it leaves many hoping for a bit more.

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Specifically, many are hoping for cross-play between PCs and Consoles, as the title will be released on a variety of consoles the same as Diablo III has seen in its lifespan. Players are hoping not to be limited only to those that picked the same platform as them.

Overall, the title is being preserved just as it released while still being brought into the modern age for players to relive or experience for the first time. More and more news is likely to release as the year continues on, and with any luck, Blizzard will be able to stick to that 2021 release date they’ve set.