Ever since Fallout 76 was announced, players weren’t happy about it is always online, especially since the series was primarily only solo. Many players purchased the game, despite their initial thoughts. The launch last year still had issues with server stability, empty lands, and solo players feeling left out.


Zenimax, the parent company of Bethesda, have listened to players’ feedback. They’ve continued to work on new content to keep bringing gamers back into the Appalachian landscape.

While the new content and events have brought new life into the Wasteland, some players are not happy with Fallout 76.

Since the game has been out for more than a year, some users have not been happy because they’re still experiencing issues. Server stability, lagging, graphics, and more continue to be a problem for players. Many players joke that bugs are part of the Bethesda experience, but for many who have spent their hard-earned money on a game expected to run correctly aren’t laughing.


Zenimax refused to refund buyers if they stated these were ineligible reasons to ask for a refund, which angered many. Players in Australia went a step further and contacted the Australian government. Their complaints were directed to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

The ACCC released a statement on November 1 that Zenimax must refund unhappy users. They received many complaints about the quality of Fallout 76.

“ZeniMax has acknowledged that they are likely to have misled certain Australian consumers about their rights to a refund when they experienced faults with their Fallout 76 game,” ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said.

The ACCC stated that Zenimax would offer to provide refunds to consumers who contacted them between November 24, 2018, through June 1, 2019. If consumers have already received a refund, they aren’t eligible for another one. Gamers should be aware that by requesting a refund, they lose access to the game.

The Commissioner added, “When a consumer has purchased a product that has a fault which amounts to a major failure, the Australian Consumer Law provides them with the right to ask for their choice of either a repair, replacement or refund.”

ZeniMax was also ordered to revise its Customer Service documentation to address the ACCC’s concerns.


Eligible Australian resistents can request a refund through the ACCC website now.