The Sims team recently aired a livestream that went into depth about the latest expansion pack Eco Lifestyle. While the livestream covered the create-a-sim items, build mode, and gameplay changes, the team surprised everyone with additional news.

On June 2, all owners of the base game will receive a major update. The date comes three days before Eco Lifestyle launches on June 5.

One of the significant additions is the return of Firefighters and Repomen. Firefighters were once part of previous games but were not part of Ths Sims 4. If a Sim accidentally set a fire on a lot, they would have to do the dirty work of putting out the fire themselves. They could also purchase a sprinkler system, which was a costly investment. Now, if a fire starts, Sims can call the fire department for help.

Repomen were added in the University EP, but not for the base game. In University, repomen will appear if a Sim hasn’t paid their student loans. Now repomen will appear if a Sim hasn’t paid their bills.

The billing system is getting a major revamp. Since the newest EP focuses on living a sustainable lifestyle, The Sims team made it easier to see where their money is going. Bills will no longer be one lump sum but will have a break down of water and power. If a Sim is generating a large amount of power, they can sell the excess for profit.

The inventory system is also getting an overhaul. Now players can select multiple objects at once and sell them. A filtering system was also added, so players can filter according to Name, Price, Quality, and more. While some players may keep their Sims’ inventory mostly empty, this is great for Sims, who spend a lot of time cleaning up garbage or collecting loot to upcycle.

The last content update is for builders. Players who enjoy building more than gameplay can enjoy free window and door placement to place these objects off the grid. On PC, by pressing ALT, players can put windows and doors wherever they want, but not stack them on top of each other. They still take up space per panel.

The free content update launches on June 2. The newest expansion pack, Eco Lifestyle, launches simultaneously for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on June 5.