Every now and then, a great PC game is discounted by huge margins on the Steam platform. It just happened again with the cult-hit Her Story by Sam Barlow. Right now, you can get this amazing indie title for just $2. That’s an incredible deal for one of the better games of 2015.


Considering Barlow’s next game — Telling Lies — is about to release next week, it seems like the perfect time to experience this incredible story. It’s a type of narrative game that has you look through actual clips of real people. You’re thus captivated by this game’s authenticity. You feel like a true detective on the verge of breaking a huge murder case.


The premise involves sitting behind a dusty computer. You have access to the police’s database of evidence. You’ll get to watch actual clips of a woman being interviewed, who’s the prime suspect in a case about her missing husband. As you scroll through video logs and search the database for clues, you’ll come one step closer to solving the case.

If you’re a fan of the crime TV shows like CSI and Law and Order, this game will be right up your alley. You’ll get to use your critical-thinking skills to discover the truths about this mysterious woman’s past. Did she kill her husband and hide the body, or is he actually missing somewhere in the world? That’s what you’ll get to discover.

As you can imagine, the truth about this woman is clouded in mystery. Is she telling the truth? You don’t really know until you get further into this game’s moving story. The acting in this game is much like what you would expect in an actual crime drama movie or television show. You can tell Barlow has an in-depth understanding of this gaming genre. It isn’t surprising that he made the game with eerie tones either, as he’s the brilliant mind behind Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

Now, this game doesn’t have the most intense gameplay. You’re not on the hunt or trying to survive in some epic battle royale. Instead, your locked into the game trying to investigate serious allegations. This game does a great job at keeping your attention. Every time you solve a clue or come to some sort of realization, you’re that much closer to finding out what exactly this British woman did.


For just $2, there’s no better way to get hyped for Telling Lies.