PUBG was one of the greatest forerunners in the original push of the Battle Royale fad, but it’s no secret that it’s fallen off a bit in a lot of ways since games like Apex and Fortnite came and took over. Still, PUBG seems to be here to stay, and the competitive scene is still alive and well.


To the end of the competitive scene, PUBG has decided to focus more heavily on the competitive scene, which they feel needs to be emphasized. Introducing the Ranked Ruleset, they’re now delivering the new rules to the community in hopes that they can help in bringing a bit of polish to it.

“One of the most important elements of Battle Royale is survival, and being the last survivor standing means growing through the experience,” their announcement states. “however, many of you have stated that PUBG also needs to promote the fierce competition between players as they play and win games, and a ruleset to amplify that competitive spirit. For those players, we’re happy to introduce the Ranked Ruleset.”

The new ruleset test aims to “merge the strengths of both public and esport ruleset settings” in hopes of creating a ruleset that has the best of both scenes. The test will be available in both FPP and TPP mode and will include Erangel, Miramar, and Sanhok, with the number of players reduced to 64.

Loot Spawns have been adjusted, set to be much higher than normal games. The spawn rate of items such as primary weapons, level 2 equipment, scopes, and first aid kits have especially been increased.

The Blue Zone will also move faster and faster to force more confrontations due to the player count being lower. Players will also need to expect changes in the starting plane’s flight path as it veers closer to the first safe area.

Vehicle spawns will be kept the same as in normal games, but the Motor Glider will be disabled until they can tweak it to be properly balanced for competitive play. Red Zones will occur closer to the edges of safe zones to punish players that are out of position. Finally, Flare Guns are being kept in, but are being watched closely to see if they need to be tweaked or removed.


The Ranked Ruleset will be available until the evening of March 9th, so if you’re interested in giving the team some feedback, hop into the LABS and try out the new rules!