We’re almost all finished up with August. It has been a busy month, with plenty of gaming announcements and free games. September looks to be more of the game, especially for those with a PS Plus membership.

As is customary, another round of free games will be available. The list was just put out actually and on the list is the beloved battle royale, PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds). Considering how popular of a battle royale it still is after being out for as long as it has, this is an incredible pickup.

When gamers think of top battle royales, PUBG is usually near the top of the list next to the likes of Fortnite and Apex Legends. There are many reasons for this and one of the most prevalent is PUBG Corporation knowing what they wanted to achieve with this game.

It doesn’t have any fluff, but rather features focused action that plays out relatively quick in 100-player battles. That’s a lot of other users to account for. You have to be quick to strategic locations and mindful of surrounding environments.

PUBG doesn’t pull any punches on the action. It’s in your face and puts you in intense moments the second you drop into the sprawling map. That being said, you don’t have to be a first-person shooter pro to have fun and even be successful in PUBG.

The game’s approachable nature makes even your first couple of matches a blast. It’s here when the addicting nature kicks in. You want to come back and learn all of the intricacies as quickly as possible.

Each match has a lot of weight to it. In a lot of battle royale games, it doesn’t really matter where you land. You can adapt on the fly and make due for the most part. That’s not the case in PUBG.

An ill-advised location drop can spell the end before you have the chance to really get going. The added weight makes each match intense. No two matches are alike either. What worked previously may leave you totally vulnerable the next time you drop in.

The game has only gotten better with time too, like a fine wine. PUBG Corporation has stayed the course in improving gameplay, bringing forth new content, and giving players a reason to stick around.

If you haven’t had the chance to experience its fun action and compelling combat, now’s a great time if you’re a PS Plus member. You aren’t gambling at all.