Konami has released Silent Hill games without providing any information regarding their plans for the property. However, as things stand, we’ll have to rely on the fans to provide our fix until Konami ultimately makes a revelation. In addition, it’s usually interesting to watch what fans with different levels of game development expertise come up with for their tributes. An illustration is a video provided by the YouTube user Silent, which showcases their Unreal Engine 5 remake of Silent Hill 2.

Instead of completely recreating the assets, Blender was used to rebuild and modify the Silent Hill 2 assets, which were exported from the first game. Following that, Silent was able to recreate Silent Hill 2 scenes in Unreal Engine 5, with the extra benefit of utilizing ray-traced reflections and dynamic shadows. As further explained in the video below, Silent completely reworked the game’s lighting system. Silent also implemented a first-person and third-person camera to give the game a contemporary flair.

Silent intended to use a modern game engine to push the old game to its absolute boundaries. Though that is undoubtedly a relatively low standard, the outcome is unquestionably superior to what we saw from Konami’s efforts in the Silent Hill HD Collection.

Additionally, there are other fan projects for the property in the development. A film demonstrating the most recent story on the first Silent Hill game’s Unreal Engine 5 remake is available. The main distinction between this one and the others is that this one is a complete remake, which essentially takes the 1999 classic and reimagines it as a more modern game with all the bells and whistles that come with newer releases. Given the length of time fans have been anticipating an official release, it’s not unexpected that some have chosen to take matters into their own hands and create their remakes or remasters.