Newsletter Update Sign-Ups Now Available For The Sony PlayStation 5

Newsletter Update Sign-Ups Now Available For The Sony PlayStation 5
Credit: PlayStation Website

PlayStation has now created a way for gamers to hear first about the newest PlayStation 5 news. Many rumors are swarming the internet. Many of them misled players from providing fake information.

Although the news from PlayStation 5 may be slower, it is the only official source for any information about the new console.

On the official PlayStation 5 website, there is now a form for players to fill out and register.

“We’ve begun to share some of the incredible features you can expect from PlayStation 5, but we’re not quite ready to fully unveil the next generation of PlayStation. Sign up below to be among the first to receive updates as we announce them, including news on the PS5 release date, PS5 price and the upcoming roster of PS5 launch games.” states the official website.

Those who sign up will learn about the console as its released, including all official pricing and release information.

There’s no news on if this newsletter will also include exclusive deals or couples. The newsletter may only be for news, while players will have to follow the company on Twitter for any upcoming deals.

The last update for the PlayStation 5 was announced around October 2019. Two new innovative features are coming to the PS5’s new controller that ships with the console.

President & CEO of SIE Jim Ryan posted a blog post with details regarding the new controller and adaptive triggers: “First, we’re adopting haptic feedback to replace the “rumble” technology found in controllers since the 5th generation of consoles. With haptics, you truly feel a broader range of feedback, so crashing into a wall in a race car feels much different than making a tackle on the football field. You can even get a sense of a variety of textures when running through fields of grass or plodding through mud.”

The second feature is adaptive triggers, which are built into the L2/R2 trigger buttons. Developers can add in features so players can “feel the tactile sensation of drawing a bow and arrow or accelerating an off-road vehicle through rocky terrain.”

One of the first announced games for the new console is Godfall, which is developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox Publishing. Godfall is a third-person looter-slasher game focusing on melee combat and takes place in a fantasy world.

The PlayStation 5 is scheduled to launch this holiday season.