Carrion has arrived and it's an absolute blast to play, with a strange sense of twisting fate having users take control of some alien-like blob of tentacles that is beside itself with joy every time it eats another scientist. The twist of playing as the titular enemy, slowly evolving and moving through a labyrinthian complex which offers a unique twist on puzzle-platforming as announced that they've sold 200,000 copies and released to widespread critical review. To celebrate, Devolver Digital released what may be the most bizarre 'making of' video of recent memory, bringing surreal practical effects with a strange narrative that has to be seen to be believed. The YouTube 'behind the scenes' was crafted in tandem with Imagos Films; what else could we possibly expect from one of the most unique indie publishers in the business right now? Famed for the surreal arcade-like experience of Hotline Miami, the classic over-the-top action of Serious Sam, along with titles such as My Friend Pedro, Enter the Gungeon, and GRIS, Devolver Digital has made a name for themselves for pushing the envelope in fundamental design and gameplay loops that show not only competence but a mastery of the digital medium to bring unique experiences that are consistently a delight to explore. The developer of Carrion is Phobia Game Studios; an aptly named indie studio that has little issue pushing the boundaries themselves. PGS last released a 2D ultraviolent action-adventure called BUTCHER in 2016 that saw levels covered in red pixels as saw blades chased the protagonist (although in name only). Add to the heap that Carrion is now available on the Xbox Game Pass for PC, and was the moment it released, and it's difficult to excuse at least not looking at the newest oddity that has interested swaths of players around the world, all keen on devouring the next hapless body within the labyrinth. The worst part of Carrion is that it's unabashedly short, clocking in at roughly six hours to explore everything the game has to offer while working your way through the campaign, and it's not exactly a title where you can further explore the world once the campaign has ended. To some, the short experience it offers is concerning; to others, it's a relief as it promises consistent action with little to no filler content and exhausting fetch-quests that pad modern titles. Carrion is available to play on all consoles: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam and released on July 23, 2020 at the retail price of $19.99.
Carrion has arrived and it's an absolute blast to play, with a strange sense of twisting fate having users take control of some alien-like blob of tentacles that is beside itself with joy every time it eats another scientist. The twist of playing as the titular enemy, slowly evolving and moving through a labyrinthian complex which offers a unique twist on puzzle-platforming as announced that they've sold 200,000 copies and released to widespread critical review. To celebrate, Devolver Digital released what may be the most bizarre 'making of' video of recent memory, bringing surreal practical effects with a strange narrative that has to be seen to be believed. The YouTube 'behind the scenes' was crafted in tandem with Imagos Films; what else could we possibly expect from one of the most unique indie publishers in the business right now? Famed for the surreal arcade-like experience of Hotline Miami, the classic over-the-top action of Serious Sam, along with titles such as My Friend Pedro, Enter the Gungeon, and GRIS, Devolver Digital has made a name for themselves for pushing the envelope in fundamental design and gameplay loops that show not only competence but a mastery of the digital medium to bring unique experiences that are consistently a delight to explore. The developer of Carrion is Phobia Game Studios; an aptly named indie studio that has little issue pushing the boundaries themselves. PGS last released a 2D ultraviolent action-adventure called BUTCHER in 2016 that saw levels covered in red pixels as saw blades chased the protagonist (although in name only). Add to the heap that Carrion is now available on the Xbox Game Pass for PC, and was the moment it released, and it's difficult to excuse at least not looking at the newest oddity that has interested swaths of players around the world, all keen on devouring the next hapless body within the labyrinth. The worst part of Carrion is that it's unabashedly short, clocking in at roughly six hours to explore everything the game has to offer while working your way through the campaign, and it's not exactly a title where you can further explore the world once the campaign has ended. To some, the short experience it offers is concerning; to others, it's a relief as it promises consistent action with little to no filler content and exhausting fetch-quests that pad modern titles. Carrion is available to play on all consoles: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam and released on July 23, 2020 at the retail price of $19.99.