The third installment of the Bayonetta franchise is “on track,” says Platinum Games director Hideki Kamiya. The title is highly-anticipated by fans as they look for every bit of news on the title. The third game of the series was first seen at The Game Awards back in 2017 when the reveal trailer debuted. The game was announced as a Nintendo Switch exclusive title and appeared beside an announcement for ports of Bayonetta 1 and 2. 


Bayonetta is the girl with the guns as the game gets ready for release. The ports were out in February 2018, and a Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle will bring 4k resolution and 60fps to the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X in February.

On Twitter, Kamiya stated that the development of Bayonetta 3 is “on track.” This is similar to what fellow Platinum Games founder Atushi Inaba said earlier this year saying, “Games aren’t usually done in a year or two… it takes a while.”

Although the study has kept quiet about the progress of the game, that does not always mean that something went wrong. Inaba stated that rolling out snapshots of development for every title from Platinum Games just “isn’t the smartest PR strategy to begin with.” With every game spilling its secrets way early in devlopment, Inaba might be right about how to handle the information on this title.

The secrecy around Bayonetta 3 and the way Platinum Games is handling the news might be the extra push the title needs to be special. Keeping everyone at the edge of their seats rather then full disclosure boils the anticipation and brings fans wanting the title even more.

Games are often rushed to quickly out of development, and Platinum Games is trying to take their time. More time means better focus and a higher chance of a better quality title. When handling such beloved franchises like Bayonetta, a special and calm touch might be what is required to harness the power found within these great games.

There is no doubt that Platinum Games is putting everything they have into the upcoming title. “It’s going to be a high-quality title, and we’re putting our all into it. That is what you’re seeing [with the silence],” said Inaba.


What fans do know is, Bayonetta 3 appears to be a Nintendo Switch exclusive title. News will continue to spill out as the release gets closer, but as of now, there is no set release date for this title. The best advice is to be patient and let the studio work their magic.