Respawn Entertainment Is In Charge Of The Next Star Wars Game, And It Looks Amazing!

Credit: EA

Respawn Entertainment is the developer of great projects most notably the Titanfall series and Apex Legends. It was announced around this time last year, but fans have not had a real look at the project. Last month EA released the official trailer and fans got a look at the hard work Respawn has put into the project.

Star Wars fans have been wanting a new adventure in the universe for a long time. Battlefront’s reboot, although graphically beautiful, did not live up to expectations. The disappointment of the series led fans to remember adventures had in previous games and long for a single-player experience.

Respawn has promised fans a chance to see gameplay at this years E3 event, and it is exciting. If the story mode of Titanfall 2 is any indication, we can expect a full story that will be more then cardboard cut out narratives and help immerse players in the Star Wars universe. Players can expect a multiangled campaign that will drive forward mixed with amazing graphic content that Respawn has created in the past.

EA has publically admitted that they messed up on both of the Battlefront games. From the developer response to player comments to the inclusion of a loot box system, EA made a mistake after mistake. Gaining the trust of fans once again is an uphill battle for the company but allowing Respawn to handle the next game development is a great start.

The game will take place five years after Revenge of the Sith. The main character is a surviving Padawan named Cal who has to use their force powers to save a friend from some troopers. One of the main plot points will revolve around a woman named Ceres who serves as a mentor to young Cal. The game seems to have a strong narrative and will be mostly story-driven upon release instead of a shooter or hack and slash style.

This storytelling level will have a refreshing feel for the Star Wars community and could be hailed as what Battlefront should have been. Fans of the franchise will be happy to know that EA is being open about the development of the game and seems to be making amends for past wrongs. Whether or not EA is sincere players can rely on the responsibility of Respawn when handling such a beloved franchise.

For more information on Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order tune in to E3 this year and see the announcements of many fabulous games to come in the following years.