New Footage Shows Off The Damage System And Mounted Weapons In The Space MMO Starbase

Credit: ForzenbyteGames via YouTube

Space games are always so intriguing, They feature the last frontier with limitless possibilities. One of the more anticipated space games that’s coming out sometime in the year is Starbase. This space-based MMO seems to be taking spaceship customization to another level.

You’ll have the chance to become your own commander of a spacecraft, where your decisions will directly influence the fate for everyone on board. The concept seems so alluring, especially for sci-fi fans.

Many gamers are buzzing about the damage system. A number of issues could go wrong with your ship at any given point in time. It’s up to you and your crew to troubleshoot the issue before taking even more damage. A lot of the game is built around spaceship design, but the combat looks equally intriguing.

Luckily for fans, some recent trailers have surfaced showcasing a little bit more of the combat system. The trailer primarily focuses on spaceship battles and mounted weapons.

We see a little bit more information provided on the damage system. Taking enemy fire will affect your ship a certain way, whether it’s losing control of steering or not having enough power with your boosters.

The problems that can occur are pretty diverse, which will keep you on your toes ready to fix the next system after sustaining a brutal hit from an opponent. Even the wiring on your ship can be damaged, leading to losing power entirely. That’s pretty insane and just goes to show how much detail is being put into this game.

That seems to be a huge selling point for Starbase. You can explore space and actively pursue other ships. Taking them out is pretty satisfying, and the developers at Frozenbyte apparently have made enemy combat a pretty regular occurrence. That’s a good thing considering how vast space travel can be in theory.

The trailer then shifts focus to the mounted weapons. They’re made up of different parts, which do different things in battle. If a component gets damaged, you can repair or replace it. Taking down other spaceships will give you the perfect opportunity to find additional components for your mounted weapons. It seems like they’ll be an integral part of each battle and can unleash a lot of damage if aimed properly.

All in all, these details are great to see. It gives Starbase a lot of promise out of the gate. You would be hard-pressed to find a more authentic spaceship simulator, honestly.