The platforming genre has seen a little bit of a resurgence these last couple of years. Developers use tried and true mechanics and put their own unique spin on the genre, generally with unique graphics and a compelling story. One of the more anticipated games in this space has to be Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince.

The Trine series is beloved by many for its unique visuals and its simple, yet addicting design. This fourth installment is shaping up to be quite the platformer. We’ve seen some trailers of gameplay footage already, as the developers at Frozenbyte are trying to build up buzz before it officially releases on October 8. Another fantastic trailer just came out for the platformer.

It’s an overview trailer that pretty much breaks down what this game offers, which is particularly convenient for those who’ve never had the opportunity to play this series before. If you don’t already know, Trine 4 is a platformer with a puzzle-solving design. You’ll move about beautiful stages while solving puzzles to get past various sections. A lot of critical-thinking is involved to be successful.

The trailer shows the three heroes — Amadeus, Pontius, and Zoya — using their different abilities. They’re setting out on an adventure to save Prince Selius, who’s nightmares have manifested themselves into actual monsters that the three heroes will have to conquer throughout their travels.

The trailer then reveals that you can switch between these three heroes with a simple push of a button. That’s quite an interesting design. Normally with platformers like this, you have to select your character in the start menu and stick with them until you complete a level or fail and thus have to make a change.

This design seems much more convenient and will come in handy as certain portions of each stage require a unique skillset. A simple switch of a character will give you a new way to approach different obstacles. Even in midair, you’ll have the ability to switch characters.

Since each one of these characters has different abilities, they can approach puzzles differently as well. However, as the trailer states, it’s when you work together as a team when these three heroes are most successful. The more you progress in this game, the more attributes you can upgrade and skills you can unlock — making your journey all the more pleasurable.

Trine 4 really looks like a fun take on this classic genre.