Destiny 2’s Latest Patch Kicks-Off Arc Week To Boost Arc Subclasses

Credit: PlanetDestiny via YouTube

Destiny 2’s Arc subclasses are getting the extra needed boost in the game’s latest update. Bungie has shared the official patch notes for Destiny 2’s Arc Week today. The release of the patch notes also marks the start of the Arc Week.

For those who have probably missed out some details, Arc Week is Destiny’s first in-game event. It’s particularly tied to Destiny’s Season of the Drifter focusing on the improvement of the subclass. During the Arc Week, Arc Singe will happen all week plus there will be some Arc bounties.

Some bounties and quests included in the update are the Power Surge Bounties that have been deleted or have expired. Each character may complete each bounty. It has also specified that players should have an annual pass and passed Level 50 as a requirement.

Bungie’s details include the unexpected return of Thunderlord, which debuted last year. It is probably the most exotic machine gun quest, and it will be available until April 23rd. Once Arc Week has ended, players may only catch the Thunderlord quest through the Exotic Engrams.

The sandbox team also made fresh updates for the subclass paths. The old subclasses will get some balancing, fixes for the quality of life, and some will get new functionality.

Among those getting freshened up are the Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters. The update 2.2.1 is also carrying out changes to their abilities not related to Arc.

Among the changes is the Striker’s Code of the Juggernaut which is getting increased weapon damage. In PvE, it will have 25 percent and 20 percent in PvP. Its buff duration also increased lasting to 16 seconds from the original 10 seconds.

The bonus melee damage of the Arcstrider Way of the Warrior can now be stacked thrice. Its melee damage per stack in PvE is also increasing by 60 percent and in PvP by 22.7 percent. Previously, the bonus melee damage is at 50 percent per stack.

For the Arcstrider Way of the Wind, all the abilities are getting some boost. The disorienting blow will get a longer duration of 2 seconds from the previous 1.5 seconds.

The melee disorient distance will also be increased from four to six meters. The other abilities getting some upgrades are focused on breathing, combat meditation, and lightning reflexes.

The update is also dropping in four new Exotic weapons to boost the players’ arsenal. The new weapons include the SUROS Regime which will be added to Crucible, and Prospector, Rat King and Hard Light.

The last three weapons will all be added to Nightfalls and Strikes. Mayhem is also making a comeback in the Crucible.