Borderlands 3 Is Getting Even More DLC And New Features

Credit: Arekkz Gaming via YouTube

Borderlands 3 is everything you want in the continuation of an iconic looter shooter series. It incorporates more open environments, compelling vault hunters, and an endless supply of amazing weapons.

You might think that a series going this long would eventually fall off as so often is the case in the gaming industry. Not for the Borderlands franchise. It always gets better and that’s a credit to the developer’s understanding of what fans want.

It also doesn’t hurt that Borderlands 3 continues to receive post-launch DLC. The offerings thus far have been pretty great, featuring new missions, areas, and enemies. It doesn’t look like DLC will cease any time soon as well.

That’s according to Gearbox, who spent a bit of time talking about Borderlands 3 at a recent PAX Online showcase. It was here where the developer confirmed more DLC being on the way. It looks like fans have a lot of new things to still look forward to.

Later on down the road, each vault hunter will get one more skill tree. That means new combat opportunities in an already impressive game in this regard. The new skill tree featured at the digital showcase was for FL4K, the lovable robot with hounds. He’ll get a new trapper skill tree as well as new pet types. Gearbox didn’t go into detail about the other vault hunter skill trees, but you can bet fans have something special in store.

Gearbox also revealed that local three and four-player splitscreen will be available on versions playing on next-gen consoles. That sounds like a great time to venture through the campaign with a group of mates, looting and shooting everything that gets in your path.

Next-gen versions also will have vertical splitscreen for two-player co-op. It has been a highly requested feature since launch so it’s great that Gearbox is doing right by the fans here. They have a long history of listening to the community and responding accordingly.

Just as it seemed like Borderlands 3 couldn’t get any better, Gearbox announces more DLC on the way. This game truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Currently, there is no target date for when the DLC will be available, but around holiday season is probably a safe bet given the next-gen features.

In the meantime, you can read the developer’s full patch notes if you want to get every update on upcoming DLC. Borderlands 3 is still set to make its mark on the gaming community.