A Streamer Has Become The First In The World To Go Through Elden Ring’s Whole Roster Of Challenging Bosses Without Taking Any Damage

Credit: IGN

Recently, a Twitch streamer achieved a new record in Elden Ring by beating every boss in the game without taking any damage. The Elden Ring streamer has finished their 9-hour marathon stream and declared victory after months of preparation.

The challenging boss battles in FromSoftware games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring are a big draw for many people since it’s satisfying to try and repeatedly fail until you succeed. Even though FromSoftware’s games have intentionally challenging encounters, any player with enough time, effort, and skill can beat them. Once a player has mastered such a game, they may attempt to take it to the limit by imposing punishing limits, such as never leveling up, never equipping any items, and never utilizing any healing items. The pursuit of a no-hit run is a particularly challenging tactic in games with soul-like gameplay.

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The Twitch streamer GinoMachino has finally made good on his March 2017 commitment to play through Elden Ring without dying. After 9 hours of streaming, his hitless run ended at the hands of the Soldier of Godrick, who is, curiously enough, the game’s first optional fight and the very first boss players face. If GinoMachino takes damage at any time during his run, he will have to start over from the beginning, as this was a “genuine” no-hit run. Many gamers choose a more merciful variation of the no-hit run in which they can take damage from bosses multiple times before finally beating them.

Like its forerunners, Elden Ring focuses as much on the players as it does on the game’s characters. As a result, let Me Solo Her and other legendary Elden Ring players have become the subject of fan art, imitation, cosplay, and even game hacks that incorporate the players as non-playable characters. What more astounding accomplishments Elden Ring players perform as the game’s difficulty increases over time remains to be seen.

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