The next installment in the Tom Clancy video game series is Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It’s shaping up to be quite the tactical shooter. It’s including a lot of the same elements that Wildlands had, such as the open-world design. Only this time, Breakpoint seems much more in-depth and diverse in terms of environments.

The game is set to release next week for all major platforms. Despite the fact that the game isn’t even out yet, Ubisoft has already laid out a one-year road map for title as far as updates go. There are a lot of new things coming to the game post 2019, so let’s quickly break them down.

Starting off, the first raid will be taking place on a volcanic island. It seems appropriate considering the main story’s setting. After that, a Live Event will debut that pits you against an actual Terminator. That addition alone is worth the price of admission. Imagine moving through the forest and spotting an iconic Terminator in the distance. It’s the perfect time to test out your human instincts against that of an elite killing machine.

It would be amazing to see the Terminator in this Live Event resemble that of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Given likeness rights from movie studios, that probably won’t happen. Instead, the steel form will probably be what’s used. Still, it seems like an amazing addition to a tactical shooter where you have multiple ways to approach combat.

The game is also getting a new classed called the Engineer. As its name implies, the class probably will feature a lot of building skills. For example, crafting and manipulating special weapons for a superior combat advantage probably will be one of the perks. Either way, it seems like the perfect class for those looking to take a more strategical approach to the game.

Finally, the one-year road map includes new narrative missions. They’ll give users that much more content and storylines to enjoy. So far, Ghost Recon Breakpoint is shaping up to be an amazing installment in this long-running series. The base game already looks incredible. The multiplayer seems just as fun as the campaign. This road map should give you a lot of hope for the future of Breakpoint as well.

Updates like these show the developers are committed to the game, who will strive to give players the best tactical shooter experiences that they can. That’s refreshing to see.