Enter into a unique dark comedy atmosphere as Ray’s The Dead announces its upcoming release. After originally being showcased back in 2013 at E3, the game is planning to release on PS4 and PC later this month. Nintendo Switch is expected sometime next year as players get a taste of a strange mystery.

Enter into a world where Ray LaMorte has returned to life. Although he can not remember how he became a zombie, he now has a job to explore his troubled childhood, adult life, and figure out exactly how he died. This game brings comedy to a dark and grim topic while still housing a cartoonish look that is sure to inspire fans of all ages.

Learn about life as you experience death in this unique zombie experience. Enter into a heart room adventure that will rot your brain and make you laugh. This title is ghoulish, cute, and funny all at once.

This is a narrative-driven puzzle game mixed with stealth and action and inspired by the 1980s. Everything is carefully illustrated and the adventure has a touching story that gives it an unexpected level of depth.

Command an army of the dead and learn to summon up additional corpses. This army will be used in combat and puzzle situations allowing you to use each zombie type to its ultimate potential.

As for the game, this title holds a 10-hour campaign with over 40 hand-crafted levels waiting for players to explore. Each level is filled with 1980s references and tons of pop culture references that any fan is sure to recognize and enjoy.

Overall there are 3,000 hand-drawn sprites that inhabit this unique 2D/3D world. Enjoy a groovy pop soundtrack that will rock your life while giving you a retro feel.

Overall, this is a comedy game so expect to take everything with a grain of salt. As a member of the undead, you must figure out how your life ended up here and try to make the right decisions in the afterlife that you didn’t in life.

This is a title with multiple endings so be sure to think about every decision in the game. Enjoy this unique world that mixes zombies, humor, and love all into a touching story of life and undeath.

Ray’s The Dead comes from Ragtag Studio and is planning a release on October 22nd for PlayStation and PC. Nintendo Switch fans will get a copy as well but that is reserved for next year.