During last month’s E3 event, FromSoftware, the developers behind Bloodborne and the Dark Souls franchise, revealed their new game called Elden Ring. In the weeks leading up to the reveal, it was reported that the studio had partnered up with Game of Thrones author and creator George RR Martin for a future project, which ended up being Elden Ring.

But, while the game did make its first appearance back at E3, there are now plans to do a follow-up at Gamescom 2019 according to publisher Bandai Namco. As for which games the publisher is going to show off at the event, well, they’re listed below.

  • Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
  • Code Vein
  • One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
  • The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan
  • One-Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
  • Rad

It’s very possible that Elden Ring isn’t in a playable state, which is why it’s not being featured at Gamescom 2019. Sure, the developers could’ve thrown together another story trailer, but given the fact that it’s been barely over a month since the first one dropped, it probably didn’t make much sense to produce another one so quickly.

As for details regarding Elden Ring’s gameplay, well, FromSoftware promised its fanbase that it’ll be the evolution of Dark Souls. They’ve also promised that it’ll be every bit as tough as their other titles, which will also mean that it’ll be every bit as frustrating.

It’s also been revealed that the game’s world will be just as dark as the worlds featured in the Dark Souls games. On top of that, Elden Ring will take place in an open-world setting, with players being given the ability to ride on horseback in order to travel at a more brisk pace through what’ll likely be a massive open-world map.

Also, unlike in the Dark Souls games, Elden Ring will allow players to engage in combat while on horseback. As of this writing, it’s unclear if some of the game’s NPCs will also be on horseback, but give the fact that players will be able to fight while riding, it only makes sense that some of the NPCs will also engage in combat while riding their horse.

It might be a while before we learn more about Elden Ring, as the next trailer might be held off until either The Game Awards, which will take place on December 6 or the next PlayStation Experience event, which typically takes place in December of each year. Of course, Sony decided to cancel last year’s event, and so far, there’s no official date for PSX 2019.