Much like the other champions in League, Diana will utilize a variety of items to suit different situations she may find herself in during the game. While this is the case, Diana has some core items that best compliment her kit and will help bring out the best results.




Conqueror: Diana is going to use abilities chained together quite often to keep enemies at a distance while she farms or to secure takedowns. This rune is going to see every ability and basic attack that deals damage to enemies generate stacks of Conqueror that will grant Diana adaptive force. Once fully stacked, the rune will grant her healing for 15 percent of the damage dealt to enemy champions.

Presence of Mind: Using her abilities is going to quickly drain Diana’s mana and the last thing the player wants to worry about it running low on mana while pursuing a takedown.

Legend: Alacrity: With this rune, the more Diana is involved in takedowns, the more she is going to gain attack speed. The bonus attack speed is only going to benefit Diana by increasing the number of basic attacks she can land once she has dashed in on an enemy.

Coup de Grace: With her ability to dash on targets and secure kills, often Diana will find herself being the team member to finish fleeing enemies. Coup de Grace will make this quick as she will be able to deal bonus damage on low health enemies.


Taste of Blood: As a melee champion, Diana will often find herself taking damage just to get in range of her enemies. Having Taste of Blood means that the champion will be able to heal back some of her health once she deals damage to enemy champions.

Ravenous Hunter: Ravenous Hunter will heal Diana by a percentage of damage dealt by her abilities. Because she is such an ability-based champion, this can be a substantial amount of healing.

Bonuses: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +15-90 HP (levels 1-18)

Starting items

Doran’s Ring

Starting the game with extra ability power is going to assist Diana in having a fairly powerful early game. Doran’s Ring is going to grant Diana a boost in AP as well as bonus health and mana regen.

Health Potion

A common choice for most champions at the early stages of the game, a health potion offers Diana a way to heal from damage she may sustain in lane. Being melee-based, ranged mid lane champions often will be able to deal poke damage to Diana while she is farming minions. Health potions offer a quick way to heal from this damage by granting 150 health over 15 seconds.

Core items

Hextech Protobelt-01

The most important item to complement Diana’s kit, Hextech Protobelt-01 offers some hefty stat increases that will make Diana dangerous once acquired. These boosts include 300 health, 60 ability power, and 10 percent cooldown reduction.

Nashor’s Tooth

This item grants Diana more bonus ability power and will increase the strength of her abilities, as well as offering some bonus attack speed. The real strength of this item for Diana comes in its unique passive.

Lich Bane


Lich Bane is a great item for Diana because it will increase her damage output while granting her 250 bonus mana to facilitate more abilities. Much like Nashor’s Tooth, after using an ability Lich Bane will grant bonus damage to Diana’s basic attacks equal to 75 percent of her attack damage.