The last month or so has seen the world absolutely thrown to a halt due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, or Coronavirus. This is felt worldwide in every industry, but as you may expect, we’re here to talk about the ways that it has affected the gaming world.

But this time, we have some good news to report! Multiple big names in gaming like DreamHack and CLG have gotten together to create Gamers Versus Covid-19 to help raise proper awareness through the use of social media.

Most of this seems to be taking place on Twitter, but the message is being spread across the gaming community as a whole. That message is simple: stay home, stay safe, and play games.

“The world’s best gamers are fighting for humanity,” their message states. “Join the #gamersvsCOVID19 guild by pledging to fight against the spread of #COVID19 for however long it takes, even if it means gaming until our thumbs fall off. Take the pledge & join us.”

Those that want to take the pledge can go to the gamersvscovid19 website and join up. The pledge includes the following bullet points:

  • Social distancing as much as possible even when you feel healthy
  • Washing hands often, avoiding touching your face, and coughing into your elbow or sleeve
  • No hugging, shaking hands, or fist bumping
  • Calling a doctor if you come into contact with or feel the symptoms of COVID-19
  • Keeping calm and informed on the spread of the virus
  • Sharing the pledge with as many people as possible.

The pledge has more to it than just limiting the spread of the virus, though. Those that take the pledge also are pledging to perform at least one act of kindness each day (from a safe distance, of course), bring a positive attitude into gaming, and provide emotional support to everyone they meet. You’ll also be pledging to reach out for support when you feel overwhelmed. Most of all, know that you aren’t alone.

Whether you pledge to the Gamers Versus COVID-19 cause or not, know that the gaming community as a whole is united against it. Everyone is doing what they can to make sure that the virus is taken to a lower, more manageable level as soon as possible – and the soon we can get it off the face of the Earth as a whole, the better.

There’s a good chance that your life has been impacted by this pandemic as well. Hopefully, the world will be able to get things back under control soon enough and we can all go back to life as normal.